Living with AI: Consumer attitudes toward the AI revolution

Written by: Rachel Carter

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic fantasy. It’s here, it’s evolving rapidly, and it’s changing the way we live and work. While AI has been quietly working behind the scenes for years, powering everything from our social media feeds to our navigation systems, the recent explosion of generative AI tools like ChatGPT has brought it into the spotlight.

But amidst the hype and headlines, one crucial question remains: How do consumers really feel about this AI revolution?

To find out, we surveyed 4,000 consumers across the USA and UK, delving into their attitudes, concerns, and expectations surrounding AI. The results reveal a fascinating mix of excitement and apprehension, with a clear generational divide shaping the landscape.

Trust: The key to unlocking AI’s potential

Despite recognising AI’s potential, consumers are approaching it with a healthy dose of caution, with 59% of respondents citing a lack of trust as a barrier to AI adoption. This scepticism is particularly pronounced among older generations and those with lower incomes, suggesting that education and accessibility play a key role in building trust with this transformative technology.

The generational divide: A tale of two perspectives

In addition to differing levels of trust, our research uncovered further generational divide in attitudes towards AI. While younger generations embrace AI’s potential, older generations remain more hesitant:

  • Benefits: A sizeable 48% of the Silent Generation and 41% of Baby Boomers see no benefit in using AI, compared to just 12% of Millennials and 8% of Gen Z.
  • Comfort levels: Gen Z and Millennials are far more comfortable with AI’s role in powering experiences like personalised online shopping (40% and 41%, respectively) than Gen X (31%), Baby Boomers (16%), and the Silent Generation (8%).

This divide underscores the need to tailor AI solutions and communication strategies to specific demographics.

Convenience and accessibility: The driving forces of adoption

For those who have embraced AI, convenience reigns supreme, being a primary benefit for 41% of respondents. The next most common benefit was increased accessibility and ease of use (34%), highlighting AI’s potential to level the playing field, empowering individuals to accomplish tasks they might not have been able to tackle alone.

Interestingly, higher-income individuals are more likely to recognise the cost-saving and energy efficiency benefits of AI, indicating greater access and understanding of these tools.

Navigating the AI landscape: Where do we go from here?

AI is poised to continue growing, and regardless of their concerns, all of the 78% of respondents that said they have used AI will continue using it to some degree in 2025 – with 39% of Gen Z and 40% of Millennials planning to increase their usage.

Additionally, over half (53%) of those with a household income of over $/£100K intend to increase their usage of AI.

Key Takeaways for Businesses

For businesses looking to harness the power of AI, understanding consumer attitudes is paramount. Understanding your target audience’s needs, concerns, and expectations, will help you develop the solutions they want and communicate in a way that truly resonates with them.

We can help you gain the insights required to navigate this evolving landscape. Our expertise in consumer research can empower you to:

  • Understand your target audience’s attitudes towards AI.
  • Identify key barriers to adoption.
  • Develop AI solutions that address your customers pain points and connect with their values.
  • Build trust and confidence in your AI offerings.

Contact us today to discuss your research needs and unlock the full potential of AI for your organisation.

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